Monday, August 9, 2010

Why does the USC Trojan mascot and band wear roman uniforms?

Because they are the Trojans...

The Roman's were descended from the Trojans after the Greek sacking of the city of Troy... because surviving Trojans were forced to migrate... Bringing with them their customs traditions, etc. However, the military uniforms were used by the Trojans... wanted to share in that rich history, Roman's used the uniforms as well...

The actual USC mascot is actually called 'Traveler', a white horse, is the mascot of the University of Southern California. It appears at all USC home football games in the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum as well as many other outdoor events, including numerous Rose Parades. The rider, dressed as an idealized Trojan warrior, is often mistaken for Tommy Trojan, the Trojan portrayed in USC's famous Trojan Shrine statue; however, the rider is unnamed and simply designated as a Trojan warrior with the horse as the official mascot. The current horse is Traveler VII.

To whomever gave me a thumbs down...

I hope you DIE in your sleep tonight...

Why does the USC Trojan mascot and band wear roman uniforms?auto protect

No one exactly knows what color(s) a Trojan warrior would wear since there's never been proof. Assuming there really was a Troy (other then in Greek legend).

Cardinal and Gold are the school colors so hence the look of the Roman Centurion uniform that the band drum major wears. But nothing else is Roman related, and everything else is referenced to the mythical city/empire of Troy. This includes the school calling it's athletes the men and women of Troy and the Helenes

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