Friday, August 20, 2010

Greek Mythology Questions The Trojan War?

1.Where did Zeus tell the women to go meet the Prince of Paris?

2.Why was Paris sent awayy from his father, King Priam?

3.Which two chieftans were missing from greece, and therefore could not be used to assist in the finding of Helen?

4.Who does Agamemnon hold hostage?

Greek Mythology Questions The Trojan War?pop up blocker

Paris was the name of a prince of Troy, not a place.

When he was born a prophecy was made that he would lead to the destruction of Troy. as they were unwilling to kill him he was exiled.

In Greek mythology Paris was the child of Priam and Hecuba; just before his birth, his mother dreamed that she gave birth to a flaming torch. This dream was interpreted by the seer Aesacus as a foretelling of the downfall of Troy, and he declared that the child would be the ruin of his homeland. On the day of Paris's birth it was further announced by Aesacus that the child born of a royal Trojan that day would have to be killed to spare the kingdom, being the child that would bring about the prophecy. Though Paris was indeed born before nightfall, he was spared by Priam; Hecuba, too, was unable to kill the child, despite the urging of the priestess of Apollo, one Herophile. Instead, Paris's father prevailed upon his chief herdsman, Agelaus, to remove the child and kill him. The herdsman, unable to use a weapon against the infant, left him exposed on Mount Ida, hoping he would perish there (cf: Oedipus); he was, however, suckled by a she-bear. Returning after nine days, Agelaus was astonished to find the child still alive, and brought him home in a backpack (蟺萎蟻伪, hence Paris's name, which means ''backpack'') to rear as his own. He returned to Priam bearing a dog's tongue as evidence of the deed's completion. [1]

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