Friday, August 20, 2010

HELP! i got this trojan called i run already my antivirus but i cant get ride of it

i run the online antivirus house call but it wont work help

HELP! i got this trojan called i run already my antivirus but i cant get ride of it help?virus protection software

try a anti virus decitated to removing trojans heres a link to a free remover that i use when i get a trojan, it works every time

HELP! i got this trojan called i run already my antivirus but i cant get ride of it help?adware

Click Start%26gt;Settings%26gt;Control Panel.

In the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs. Click on the Startup Disk tab.

Insert a working floppy disk and the Windows installation CD, and then click the Create Disk button to create the Startup Disk. Note that this deletes the contents of the floppy disk.

Restart the system with the Startup Disk.

In the command prompt, locate the folder where the malware files are detected.

In the folder, type the following and press Enter:

del %26#123;Malware file name%26#125;

Restart the system.
Go online to Check their free removal tools, and see if that will work. Also, try to delete your temporary Internet files. They seem to hide in there, sometimes.

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