Monday, August 9, 2010

How Effective is the Trojan Condom???

15 kids later and by 13 dads yeah i would say that would be a negative

How Effective is the Trojan Condom???aurora

The box sais 99.9% no codom is 100% and there are some that are damaged.

How Effective is the Trojan Condom???download

I can only vouch for the Magnum's. 6 yrs of using and no rugrats.......*knocking on wood*!
is good but I prefer ROUGH RIDER
Effective. Most guys prefer those or Magnums... but no condom is 100%
My sis is allergic to those!
I did Quality for years and I wouldn't trust anything manufactured. I would still worry about warts, and craps.
If used correctly, about 99% just like other condoms.
99% effective if used with care.
when your through asking the first guys 8 kids, you can ask my 4
99.2 percent effective when used as directed.
Its never failed on me.
IDK ask my 8 kids they can tell ya
Very effective if used correctly. Make sure it rolls on straight, avoiding any air gaps. Condoms are much safer than many people believe.
i can't cause never saw one being used.
They are great for water balloons. =)
read the box!!
Ask my kid !!!~~
99.99 as long as used correctly
not so good.

haha, ask my child.
that's just plain disgusting and i think if you're not married and talking about your husband you need help and a lot of it (i think it's good you're thinking of your safety)
With my ex, we used the spermicidal ones. It didn't break like the non-lubricated kinds.

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