Monday, August 9, 2010

Wher can i get Trojan horse for free?

LOL...shut down your antivirus program your firewall, go to any hackers site or porno site. if you won't successfull first time repeat the process.

kid problem is not getting trojan LOL..problem will how to get rid it :P good luck %26lt;sarcasm%26gt;

Wher can i get Trojan horse for free?computer

download at a torrent site 2-3 downloads should do it. look for things like crack or hack.

Wher can i get Trojan horse for free?free spyware

All your answers were so funny, you are cracked me up.

And you are all right....

If you asking Yahoo answers for a place to find a program like that. You will have no idea how to use any Trojan horse program. It is way outta your league.

Wait where do they charge for viruses?
they are waiting for you. set up your comuter as a "honeypot" and they will find you.

It is like putting a sticker with "hit me" on your back and walk around town.

Owning and spreading malware can get you in trouble and ultimately in jail. Do you want to be the guy picking up the bar of soap up for the big guy in the shower? (Not sure how to tell you in another way, since you seem somewhat dim-witted).
Just run Windows normally for a few days and an infection should be forthcoming. If this is unsuccessful, repeat the process.
Download some rogue anti spyware products, download kazaa to your system, visit some dodgy porn and gambling sites, download some cracked programs, open some dangerous looking email attachments, disable your anti virus- scratch that don't even bother having an anti virus, turn off your firewall and download some dodgy files of P2P software.

Then my friend, you will have many, many Trojans.

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