Monday, August 16, 2010

Whats a good free Trojan remover??

Your antivirus program should get rid of it, if you don't have one use AVG.

Whats a good free Trojan remover??vincent

he said Trojan remover this one antivirus will not remove all trojans

Whats a good free Trojan remover??adware remover

Here's a list of free trojan virus removers
ewido is the best general Trojan remover available. It is a full function/full time 30 day free trial. At the end of the trial period it stops being full time program and becomes an ''on demand'' program.

I keep it on my computer and scan with it once a week.
Avast! Antivirus. It also protects your computer from other viruses, even from email %26 P2P services like Kazaa.

I'd suggest getting AdAware and Spybot as well, just in case it's adware or spyware.
PANDA PANDA PANDA!! its working so well for me right now...the trial is for 2 months...but its totally worth the money

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