Monday, August 16, 2010

My computer has a Trojan Virus, where (download spyware) pages keep popping up, How do I get rid of

I tried system restore, but it will only let me go back to yesterday, Please help.

My computer has a Trojan Virus, where (download spyware) pages keep popping up, How do I get rid of it?triumph

run anti spyware scan, if you don't use anti spyware, here are some free anti spyware downloads

My computer has a Trojan Virus, where (download spyware) pages keep popping up, How do I get rid of it?worms

I agree with all of the above, if all else fails reformat your hard drive and start affresh. Costly lesson eh, and maybe time consuming. lots of luck.
1st:Download all programs listed below...

2nd:Disconnect from the internet...

3rd:Install software...

4th: Run Anti-Virus

Although there are others I use AVG for free Anti-Virus:

5th Run the cleaners

These do not protect, but do help keep your system running smoothly when used properly...



If you are using Windows XP, also try regscrubxp


6th reboot the system and run the programs one last time to see if anything else comes up.

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