Monday, August 16, 2010

How can i remove trojan horse out of my computer?

not sure, but if your computer is messed up and won't turn back on you will have to restart hit F8 in Safemode to restart.

how to get rid: there are programs you can buy to get rid of them, I will let you know the name when i find out, but you can get it at WalMart

don't use antiviruses, because you need a special one that has a firewall. if you have cable internet, your provider (Comcast, Charter, etc) should have something like this available that will protect your computer..its all about the firewall

How can i remove trojan horse out of my computer?anti virus scan

Ewido is an excelent trojan removal tool. They have a free online scan for Windows 2000 and latter at:

How can i remove trojan horse out of my computer?ariel

First of all u have to know the name of the virus. Trojan horse ia a type of virus not the name. Then use antivirus software like Norton.
Use Spybot S%26D and Lavasoft's Adware

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