what is to quarantine a file
After i found the trojan virus %26 i quarantine it %26 i deleted the file is it really gone?free anti virus
The answer is NO.
The only true way to get rid of a virus or any virus is 1st to find the Virus, which you have done.
2nd clear your system restores cache. What this does i'll explain. System restore takes a snapshot photo of your hard disk( Hard Drive) Everything it sees it copys. Now if you do not clear that out , even though you deleted your virus you can reinfect your computer in the evenets you ever did a system restore. So here is the steps to fixing that small problem so you dont reinfect your computer.
XP home Or pro
1st- right click on My Computer
2nd-click system restore Tab
3rd-Remove the check mark from the Box on the left side of "Turn off system Restore"
4th- click OK
5th- Reboot your system
Now that you did all that you cleared out your system restores cache, go back and turn it back on so your system will start creating restore points once again. You should be all set now.
If this helped you out leave thumbs up.
Actually M as long as he gets the virus and deletes it with his anti virus and clears out his system restore there after, it would be making him safe. The whole object of clearing the system restore Cache is to wipe out the snap shot so he dont get reinfected %26lt;%26lt;%26lt;.
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